Storm In The North, Comberbach, UK

Storm In The North, Comberbach, UK

Storm in the North is a new, vibrant production company making contemporary, irresistible theatre for curious people. Its style is ‘high-energy poetic’, a mixture of great taste and ridiculous flamboyance. At its heart is a belief in theatre-for-all. We are committed to making high-quality entertainment for both the people who go to theatre and the people who don’t. Our belief in accessibility and diversity is fundamental to what we do.

We make theatre from the north. We offer a view of Britain and the world through a different lens. We see a landscape with bigger hills – literally and metaphorically. Our work is not grimy or gritty, it’s not about clichés of flat caps and whippets. Instead it is beautiful and delicate and thoughtful and muscular and tells it how it is – with honesty and humour.

We use northern theatre makers who come together in informal collaborations. We work together, sharing ideas, being playful, and splitting the graft to get the job done.




Laura Duncalf is a Producer who works across both the Arts and Television. She has vast experience of all the dull (but necessary) stuff which makes projects happen. She wrangles budgets and schedules and forms and reports but, most importantly of all, she wrangles people and takes immense pride in putting together teams who make outstanding shows.

Kevin Dyer is the Creative Lead at Storm in the North. Amongst his many awards are :
Writers' Guild of Great Britain Best Play – The Syrian Baker.
Writers' Guild of Great Britain Best Play for Children and Young People Award with 'The Monster Under the Bed'.
Inspirational Playwright Award. Presented by ASSITEJ International at their World Congress in Cape Town.
Best Play. ‘The Hobbit’. UK Theatre Awards.
Twice winner : Writers’ Guild of Great Britain ‘Olwen Wymark award’.


ReAction Theatre, Melbourne, Australia