Itziar Pascual


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Madrid, Spain

RESAD (Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático)

Itziar Pascual (Madrid 1967) is an award-winning playwright whose work became well known during the 1990s in Spain. In 1997, for example, Las voces de Penélope (Penelope’s Voices) won second prize in the prestigious Marqués de Bradomín competition. Pascual has also worked as a teacher, journalist, journal editor and radio presenter. She also contributes critical essays to a number of theatre journals and newspapers. Pascual is currently on the teaching staff of the drama school, the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (RESAD) in Madrid. She is particularly interested in promoting the activities of female writers and theatre practitioners, having been a member, for example, of the Asociación de Mujeres de las Artes Escénicas en Madrid (Association of Women in the Scenic Arts in Madrid), “Marías Guerreras”.

Itziar Pascual conceives dramatic writing as a boat in which women and children go first; a boat in which this core idea aspires to be become a reality. Pascual aims to use the theatrical word to bring together four elements of undoubted value: poetry, beauty, humour and justice. After an initial stage in which the contemporary treatment of myths was a significant key and comprised a formal search, she now opts to raise awareness of those women whose contribution to culture and the experience have been frequently unconsidered. Women such as Natalia Karp, Rosa Parks, Wangari Maathai, Rita Levi Montalcini, María Zambrano, Pina Bausch or Rosa Helena Lovo, among others, have been the inspiration for characters in her works.


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Daniel Herson